April 14, 2019

April 20th is Mark's birthday. We will celebrate it!!

Image result for Mark Richardson The next adventure blogspotImage result for Mark Richardson The next adventure blogspot
 This coming August 10th 2019 will be the second Anniversary of Mark's Death

It's been less than 2 years since Mark died. He is probably one of the few people in the world who was stage 4 cancer in 2005 having a large esophageal cancer with metastasis to the liver and an unrelated kidney cancer in 2010, who managed to die cancer free in 2017 (no cancer noted on autopsy). Many folks with similar cancers in 2005 and later had serious surgeries with serious side effects. Mark did not have surgery. He had a lot of chemo. I'm still planning to write a book about Mark's journey with cancer as I experienced it closely with him. He died of septicemia after a fall that fractured his L1 vertebrae and surgery. He is very much missed. We had so many adventures together.
I still have an ongoing memorial fund for him which friends and relatives contribute to and when it gets low, I make a gift to it. I just paid for two computers from the memorial fund,  to be delivered to the Ramon Mario Bahena Rodriguez school in Reynosa. The schools computer lab is named for Mark. I buy books in Spanish for the school every week.  Picture of University Rotary Club Rotarians, Reynosa Rotarians, and teachers at the school.