April 08, 2006

Mark and Stephanie with powder on their faces at Songkran festival

Family Reunion Begins In Bangkok
Mr. Mark's sister Stephanie arrived in Bangkok with two of her teacher friends (spring break from teaching in Yokosuka Japan). She brought food stuff that is hard to buy in Thailand, books for Mark, and a crockpot to cook roasts in. The mom is headed out from Austin on Monday, suitcases similarly loaded but with different food stuffs including two large cooked briskits, and sacks of cream gravy mix (a staple of cowboy cooking). There will be a lot of cooking going on and we will cook some Thai dishes too. I have been thinking about eventually co-authoring a receipe book with Mark and a Thai friend and selling it to raise money for his cancer treatment or giving it to people who send donations.
Songkran. This is the Thai New Year. People wear Hawaiian shirts and have the big water guns and hoses and spray each other with water and put powder on peoples' faces. . Fun and laughter add some quality to Mark's life and may be what keeps him going. Does anyone want to join the Richardson Family Reunion in Bangkok this year or next for Thai New Years)?
Mark's Birthday is April 20.

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