June 12, 2012

Mark is in Thailand.
Why does Mark often stay in Thailand when not getting treatment in the USA? When asked, he's mentioned the tranquility of the people  and the calm way of life. Mark loves the way people accept what you do and who you are. Thai people are not intrusive and don't ask things like "why did you do this instead of that?". They seem to assume you made a good decision and are on the path you want to be on or will find that path. There is a less stressful way of life. Keeping stress low helps fight cancer and/or it's reoccurance. Mark eats healthier if not eating red meat is healthy for you. Most Thai people don't eat beef and it is not something as readily available as in America. Mark eats lighter meals and walks the beach daily to keep his weight under control. Mark has a few health problems which probably are related to his chemo and radiation treatments and the shadow of cancer is always there. Mark has an e-reader that his sister gave him and he uses it every day. Reading a lot keeps his mind off worries. He has a good hospital he can go to when he needs medical care.  So far Mark is staying alive and others with esophageal cancer with metastasis are writing to say that his staying alive and enjoying life is providing them hope. Mark is most grateful that people have prayed for him and some continue praying for him. He is so happy that people care about him. He is amazed and  pleased when he hears his story gave someone hope. I'll try to post some pictures and talk about Thai culture and mythology.


Anonymous said...

Keep it up Mark, I'm rooting for you to break a record with this remission. Defy the odds, go for the miracle!
Wife of another Mark, Stage IV adeno of the E/G junction, fighting hard.

John and Susan said...

Mark, Thank you for allowing Betty to share on this blog. I am Stage 4 with mets to the liver just 6 mos after surgery. Your story is encouraging to me and even more important, it will encourage my dear wife.

This blog is another ministry gift from God. Thank you for stepping up to the plate and taking advantage of it.
